Thursday, September 6, 2012

Focus on Fitness Instead of Fat Amount, Suggests Study | TopNews ...

Focus on Fitness Instead of Fat Amount, Suggests StudyObesity has emerged as a major health concern for the present health experts, with more and more people falling under the category of obese people. Worse of all are the health consequences related to obesity.

However, major concern is not how fat an individual is but how active he or she is. At the end of the day, what majorly matters is your fitness, your physical activity.

According to researchers of a recent study, obesity has always been considered as root cause of several major health ailments.

However, researchers said, "A group of obese individuals who are metabolically healthy, as measured by how well their heart and lungs perform, who appear to be protected from the consequences of carrying excess fat".

In case, people are defined as obese on the basis of fat measurement on the body, 46% are considered under the category and in case, body mass index is used, then 30% of the group people are termed to be obese.

Body fat exceeding 25% in case of males and 30% in case of females, are considered obese and BMI reading above 30 is also obese.

Obesity is not what should be pointed out, but fitness and health are what that need to be given the priority. Many people, who are categorized, are obese, as actually fit and healthy.


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