Thursday, September 13, 2012

Board games ? having fun without leaving your house!

MonopolyIf you don?t know how to spend your time, or you would like to see your friends, but you don?t want to get out of your house, a good idea would be to invite them at your home and to teach them different board games. Perhaps you remember as a child that you had a habit to play such games and it was as fun as it could be.

Society games usually consist of a board and various elements, which is why they are called board games. Depending on the number of participants, their age and the specifics of the game, we can distinguish between different types of games. After describing them, everyone will be able to choose the game that suits them best. The advantage of choosing a board game is that generally it is not exclusively dedicated to a particular age group. You can play such a game just as well with your family or friends, or why not, you can choose to spend such an evening as a couple.

Among the most popular games we include Monopoly, in which players imagine themselves in the skins of entrepreneurs eager to gain more and to have as many properties as possible. The game can take hours, until one player remains at the table. Another very much loved board game is Rummy, a game that uses parts marked with numbers, players needing to combine them in different ways. For lexicology lovers, there?s Scrabble, a board game that reveals itself to all ages, and where the players with the help of letters taken from a bag, make words on the board. An ancient game, extremely played today and which has its origins in the Middle East is backgammon, a game that involves both luck and strategy.

A type of board game is the strategy game. The most famous strategy game is chess, which is recognized as a sport since 1851, when the first championship was held. In addition to this game that stimulates intelligence, there are other strategy games as well, less serious, but really enjoyed by many, such as Settlers of Catan, where the players must build their own colony. Strategy games can be in turn divided into strategy games for two or more players.

Card games are also considered board games. Perhaps these are the most popular and the most played. War games are meant to recreate the atmosphere of a certain age, transposing you in the skin of historical personalities.

It seems that board games date back to ancient times. If we wonder how they remained popular over time, even in a society in continuous automation, perhaps the answer will be that they satisfy certain essential requirements, and determine the players to use their various abilities. There are games that rely on strategic capacity of the player, some that rely on attention, logic or even dexterity.

Being easy to carry and totally independent of any product of automation, board games can be played anywhere and, most importantly, are a good way Chessof socializing, interacting with others, because players are actually face to face. There is also a variety of games and this continues to expand, always appearing new board games, even as the form and the basic ideas are similar.

There is a way for evaluating annually board games through the International Games Awards, established in 2000, having as criteria for scoring both graphics and the game idea. There are two sections of the awards, the first being devoted to strategy games and the second to historical simulation.

As the name indicates, the main quality of board games is that they bring people together. You already have guests and the atmosphere becomes boring and you do not know how to entertain them? Pull out the drawer with confidence and pick a board game as certainly it will be successful. During such a game you will go through different moods, from joy, excitement, delight, to fear, anger, anxiety, pride, but you will experience all these feeling in a good way, being captivated by the game and eager to show your skills in front of others.

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