Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Althouse: "Photo of breast cancer survivor's tattooed chest is shared ...

Gorgeous, a beautiful way to cover a canvas of skin that once held Inga's breasts.

I've thought about tattooing around a terrible cancer scar I have on my leg and/or my neck and/or my Frankenboob. Never bothered though.

I was one of the shares on Facebook. It's beautiful work and you really can't tell she's "naked"...

I'm not a fan of tatoos, but I thought she looked beautiful.

Life is hard. Cut people some slack for heaven's sake.

For once I have to agree with the She-Wolf.

This is telling cancer it can go to Hell.

Very life-affirming.

I understand covering up the scars with the tattoo, and I bet it's a great improvement, but is there a reason she didn't get implants to boot?

Good for the lady and all that, but I don't get why people piss and moan about Facebook's policies. Don't like them, don't use the site.

(Referring to some of the comments in the article, not anyone here, BTW.)

There were no tits, just ink.

Sad and depressing.

I want to see fleshy tits that are able to bounce and run and enjoy life.

bouncing tits.

And I love the spontaneous civil disobedience!

And I love the spontaneous civil disobedience!

That is the most awesome feminine flat chest I've ever seen.

How dumb to ban it.

That's pretty cool. And any ladies that are faced with this, should know it does not really detract from your sexiness if you hang onto joy, and a playful spirit. This is a nice way to say it to yourself and the world. And no longer needing a bra, or even a shirt, is awesome.

I got fed up with Facebook a few months ago and completely deleted my account, which takes weeks, and is kind of tough, because for that period you cannot log back in, despite the fact that the damned application is stalking you everywhere you go trying to pull you back. I announced my decision on my wall for about a week and then disappeared. I have escaped the Borg.

My entire torso is scars from a liver transplant, a titanium rib replacement, and a partial diaphragm rebuild out of Gortex. I love them all, and wouldn't get rid of them even if I could. Each one is a kind of trophy.

I know it's gross, but like I said, I like mine, so here is my first, before and after. Warning: fool frontal nudity.

a chevron

BTW, the camera had the wrong date in it. That's before in 2006, and after about 4 years later. Amazing what healing is possible, and that's just the outside.

Wow, Bagoh. I like the chest hair regrowth:)

All I have is scar on my knee from falling in front of a truck in Jr. High.

Oh yes, baggy, been meaning to tell you, your young Bagoh hairy look was hot.

Remember when they were comparing scars in Jaws. "Farewell and adieu to you, Spanish Ladies..." I thought it unfortunate that the shark came knocking after they were all shitfaced and having a good time. I imagined it a metaphor for the cops.

Oh yes, thanks Inga. My avitar is going through accelerated aging. Last month it was toddler Bagoh.

I didn't find it beautiful or life affirming or anything, but it's up to her and not me.
I don't think it needed to be banned by Facebook, but as Erika says, their place, their rules.

My entire torso is scars from a liver transplant, a titanium rib replacement, and a partial diaphragm rebuild out of Gortex. I love them all, and wouldn't get rid of them even if I could. Each one is a kind of trophy.

Agreed. Each of us is a map of scars, whether external, internal or both.

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I agree with Inga. 70s southern rock bago = Hubba hubba.

Yes, modern medicine is amazing.

Agree with you about the power of healing and joy and playfulness.

One thing where I do have a quibble.

Eons ago, there was much-reprinted (apparently) a photo of a woman who'd had a breast removed and had the area tattooed with a long-stemmed, leafy rose.

Very minimalist and much more aesthetic.

The Yakuza look ain't that swell.

My entire torso is scars from a liver transplant....

That band-aid must have been a life-saver.....

My entire torso is scars from a liver transplant, a titanium rib replacement, and a partial diaphragm rebuild out of Gortex. I love them all, and wouldn't get rid of them even if I could. Each one is a kind of trophy.

Bagoh is Tow Mater!


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