Monday, December 24, 2012

The Truth About Marketing Online As a Network Marketer | Brian Gosur

marketing onlineIt?s no secret that the Internet is becoming very crowded with the noise from people who want to constantly share their business opportunity.? From Facebook to twitter to massive email and mobile marketing spam messages, everyone is trying to get your attention to beg you to buy their product or partner with them.


As crowded as it all seems however, there are a few ?pink elephants? in the room, that no one wants to talk about that can cripple your business and demolish any efforts you put into marketing online.


If you want to avoid these headaches and win your audience over, then you?ll need to listen up!


There are 2 common challenges that I see happening consistently throughout our industry that very few people are willing to talk about.? What I?m going to do today is expose them, while showing you my dirty little secret to how I?ve overcome them to build a stronger presence online!


  1. Internet Marketing generates tons of leads but it is a lot of work!???


In today?s world, there?s simply no way that you can ?NOT? have an Internet Presence and utilize social media sites, blogs and other methods to expose your business.? HOWEVER, this process is very very time consuming, and can often distract you from building your business.


For this very reason, I?ve been strongly committed to finding ways to simplify this challenge, and partner with businesses and services that I can delegate some of the more unwanted tasks on my list, and hand them off.


In my search to delegate key tasks that are needed consistently in my Online Marketing efforts, I chose to partner with services like , ?so that I can begin alleviating the burden of maintaining and creating all of my content.


Content Creation is often the most challenging part of the process for the majority of Internet Network Marketers.? But, content is also what gets you in the search engines and creates interest from opportunity seekers.? However, I have to admit, it?s often far too time consuming to ever get it done consistently, so I chose to hand this unwanted task over to someone else.


With using MLM PLR, I?ve been able to take this burden off of my lap and focus more, knowing that they will take care of the writing while I focus on building my business and closing deals!


  1. There are a lot of people trying to generate buzz online, so it?s becoming more and more challenging to stand out in the crowd!


It?s obvious that Internet Marketing and social media are the latest buzzwords in all facets of business these days.? And it seems that it?s becoming more and more challenging to ?stand out in the crowd? to get others to take notice of you.


This challenge is actually a myth and can be easily resolved in a few easy steps that I?m going to share with you.


What most people don?t realize is that despite the millions of people online, very few people are consistently building value and providing content to their target market to make them want to come back for more, and ultimately do business with you.


The key to building a powerful brand and presence online is this:

?? Be consistent in your marketing efforts

?? Provide endless value to your target market

?? Know what your target market wants, and give it to them

?? Keep your content relevant on your blog to get ranked higher in the search engines

?? Go above and beyond with your content, and provide high quality (not junk), to stand out from all the others who provide mediocre content


With using the High Quality PLR at,? you are able to satisfy all of the areas above.? They have a dedicated team of Network Marketing Professionals who are 150% committed to making sure that they give you exactly what they would write for themselves for their own websites.


?? Being consistent ? they have tons of new content being delivered weekly for you to utilize for your blog, article marketing, list building and social media needs.? If there are additional resources that you?d like, you can even send them a suggestion!! (I highly recommend you start putting them to work, rather than working yourself into a frenzy with trying to create content).


?? Provide endless value ? multiple editors review every single product that is written and sold on the MLM PLR site before being released to the public.? I?ve become an avid user of their products for this very reason, knowing that I?ll get a high quality product that?s written and designed to appeal to my audience, which is why you need to go check out a few of their products to see for yourself.


?? Know what your market wants ? the beauty about is that it is created by an experienced Internet Network Marketer who has taught thousands of people all over the world, and has dealt directly with the needs of ?your target market?.? I?m confident in saying that I know she knows what the needs are, and how to provide solutions, which takes the headache away from me trying to determine how to service the marketplace properly!


?? Keep your content relevant ? all of the MLM PLR topics are focused on the specifics of what people want ?today?.? You will not find a bunch of fluff here. Instead, they provide ton?s of quality content on topics like lead generation, increasing sales, closing, recruiting, prospecting, marketing, etc. and they are up to date on all the latest trends of the industry.


The good thing about this is that all the work that they put into developing this ?relevant content?, you get to put your name on it and take the credit.


?? Go above and beyond ? by utilizing PLR content, you will be able to consistently provide value to your readers and audience that will make them come back for more and view you as the expert.? Everything they have created is extensively valuable, which is why I?ve boasted about them endlessly in this post.


The MLM PLR, has truly cured my writing woes by providing more in-depth high quality content that goes above and beyond? and once again, I get to take all the credit when using their products;

I use the MLM PLR Store for all my blogging needs, and I would recommend it to you as well. Than get busy doing the other things you should be doing to grow and build your business.


When it comes to overcoming the challenges of dealing with all of the Internet Marketing day to day tasks, as well as wanting to stand out amongst your competition, but your not sure how, using the tips I shared above is a great way to become a more dominant and respectable force and leader in the industry.


If you?ve enjoyed this post, ?like and share? this with everyone you know.












Skype me @ bgosur


Click here if you would like to work with me personally.


P.S. There is only one place where you can blog and get paid for it.

Start Earning an Income With Your Empower Blog


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